病人护理. 培训. 研究. 创新. 医疗保健模拟中心



的 医疗保健模拟中心(HSC) by 杰克逊维尔大学 provides 学习者 通过宝贵的经验学习. HSC提供了一个安全和有益的教育 environment that utilizes simulation to create a realistic learning experience for 学习者. 这包括情境意识的结合,文化多样性 interpersonal communication skills, teamwork, clinical assessment, critical thinking, 最佳实践和熟练技能.

We opened the Center in September of 2019 in Jacksonville, FL with a mission to reduce medical errors through cutting-edge, collaborative training designed to improve patient 护理. Built to resemble 一个医院 emergency room, the recently expanded 31,443-square-foot facility offers hospital bay training stations, HoloLens Augmented Fidelity, high-fidelity and mid-fidelity across the life span manikins, task trainers, debriefing rooms, collaborative flexible learning spaces which includes 13 classrooms, an executive conference room, and a 2,569-square-foot event conference space with state-of-the-art recording and 表示技术. 该中心带来了社区和应急管理 医疗保健专业人员一起进行培训,这是独特的设计与 每个专业的HSC团队,以改善护理和患者的结果.





电子邮件: hsc@0579aaa.com 

医疗模拟训练模拟的经验. 真正的学习.

“Our high-fidelity medical manikins provided by CAE are incredibly lifelike and responsive,” 博士说. 凯瑟琳·卡瓦纳是杰克逊维尔大学医疗保健中心的执行主任 模拟中心. “这些人体模型像真正的病人一样呼吸、眨眼和做出反应, 它能让受训者在真实的环境中实践临床场景.”


模拟的经验. 真正的学习.

[Dr. 凯瑟琳·卡文纳)

医疗事故是全球网络赌博平台医疗保健行业的一个大问题. 大约有40万人 每年的医疗事故.


[Dr. 克里斯汀Sapienza]

产妇死亡率在上升. 还是会发生一些事情,比如 在医院摔倒.  你在感染控制上还有问题. 所有这些 better trained when you can repeat and repeat process, and that's best done in simulation. 


[Dr. 凯瑟琳·卡文纳)

Simulation training helps to provide a safe environment for health护理 professionals to work together collaboratively as a team and then also practice in a safe environment 不能伤害病人的地方. 如果在培训环境中出现了错误, they can review it debrief on it, correct it, and then increase the quality of 护理 当他们在实际的医疗环境中. 


[Dr. 克里斯汀Sapienza]

You're in a low-risk environment you're not dealing with human patients you're dealing 与人体模型. 所以在模拟中,全球网络赌博平台可以解决其中的一些问题 更紧迫的问题.


[总裁Tim Cost]

Great thing about coming to this brand new simulation center is it fits the vision not only of the university, it fits the vision of the health护理 providers in this 地区. 你来到这里,它就像一个逼真的环境代表 就像你想要的那样,这就是全球网络赌博平台正在努力做的. 全球网络赌博平台在努力教学 应用. 你来到这样一个地方这不是一个有教室的地方 a place where you're walking through a true simulation center feels like you're in 一个医院.


[Dr. 凯瑟琳·卡文纳)

Our high-fidelity mannequins provide a very realistic environment for a learner to 练习. 高保真度的人体模型代表了最人性化的患者类型 that we could have and as the learner is practicing using these types of mannequins we are able to change that mannequin to represent what that learner's action does. So if the learner does something incorrectly, if they give a medication that they shouldn't have given and it should drop their blood pressure because they gave that 药物治疗,然后全球网络赌博平台改变了人体模型.


[Dr. 克里斯汀Sapienza]

的 mannequins really serve as the pseudo patient and this is this is happening really 在全球范围内. 模拟中心正在大学和医疗中心建立 世界各地. 

[Dr. 凯瑟琳·卡文纳)

We do want health护理 professionals or 学习者 to make mistakes in this safe environment this is a positive environment we encourage our 学习者 to always feel comfortable 在这里永远不会感到威胁或不安全. 如果发生错误,全球网络赌博平台希望它发生 happen in this environment so it is not on a real person and that is the benefit of 在这个医疗中心接受培训. 


[Dr. 克里斯汀Sapienza]

这对杰克逊维尔来说是一个特殊的地方,因为全球网络赌博平台没有这样的东西 全球网络赌博平台的社区. 一个中心位置,可以服务所有不同类型的客户 在练习模式中学习、重复、获得知识和技能.



研究 shows many medical errors can be prevented by implementing quality 护理, best practices/processes, and by improving teamwork and communication throughout the duration of a patient’s treatment, which often includes emergency responders, various 专家和多次换班. 这就是为什么杰克逊维尔大学医疗中心 模拟中心 is committed to improving the quality of patient 护理 and reducing patient errors by using interprofessional simulation training scenarios and realistic high fidelity manikins to focus on teamwork, communication skills, identification 预防可能导致不良后果的患者安全风险. 当地的医疗保健 systems have recognized the center’s excellence and each trains their newly licensed graduate nurses in hospital specific residency programs that focus on best practice 护理和设施政策. 全球网络赌博平台致力于提高质量和安全 在医疗保健系统中的病人护理. 通过提供最先进的教育 programs that utilizes simulation, teamwork, and communication for health promotion 以及病人一生中疾病的发展过程.


卫生保健中心与当地社区机构和医院合作,提供 simulation experiences, nurse training, hospital graduate nurse residency programs, 应急准备响应培训和长期护理培训. 协作 with our health护理 community 合作伙伴 is highly valued and is the focus of our mission 声明. 在HSC的模拟培训为无缝提供了必要的培训 为向所有人提供优质和安全的护理而过渡持续学习 医疗保健设置.

的 HSC collaborates with the 杰克逊维尔大学 Brooks Rehabilitation College of 健康护理 Sciences faculty and with leading physician experts from local hospitals 论跨专业仿真课程的开发. 



健康Trust劳动力解决方案 is proud to partner with the 杰克逊维尔大学 医疗保健模拟中心,为全球网络赌博平台的StaRN护士学习者提供机会 在最先进的设施中获得动手护理技能. 这种伙伴关系确保 that our new nurses are equipped with the knowledge and experience to provide quality patient 护理 within the community, especially during a time when the need for 护理 比以往任何时候都更伟大.


全球网络赌博平台联系了JU STAR中心,希望为他们开发与COVID-19相关的培训 长期护理机构工作人员. 他们接受了挑战,创造了一个彻底的 研究和现实的视频培训. 专业精神和对细节的关注 这是一段适合任何从事长期护理工作的人的视频培训 设置. 全球网络赌博平台期待着与JU STAR中心合作开展未来的培训项目.

COVID-19 LTC培训视频


Since 2015 the BH nurse residency program has partnered with the 健康护理 Simulation JU中心. 我无法用言语来形容这种合作关系的质量 afforded our new residents nor are there sufficient adjectives to paint the picture of the knowledge, skills and professionalism the simulation team brought each week 对这批新护士的培训. 全球网络赌博平台的伙伴关系一直并将继续下去 是我最感激的祝福.

- Liz Bruno MSN,注册护士|首席学习官| 浸信会健康 

Dr. 凯西·卡文纳

杰克逊维尔大学非常感谢全球网络赌博平台慈善机构的慷慨支持 合作伙伴. 谢谢你!!

浸信会健康, Memorial Hospital, Cascone Family Foundation, Florida Blue, Jack and 贝弗利齐格纹

成为捐赠者. 给在线.


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联系信息 医疗保健模拟中心


电子邮件: hsc@0579aaa.com
